Mocean: noun


  • The combining of the words Mountain and Ocean

  • A play on the word “motion” meaning movement

Mocean Fit isn’t just a health and fitness business - it’s a lifestyle choice.
One of adventurous escapades, curiosity, play and memorable experiences.

From the mountains to the oceans, we love nature and stories, growth and learning. Movement is our escapism be it snatched 30 minute gym sessions, dawn mornings on the skate park or cold water surfs. We try and fail and try again. We do it scared, time poor and imperfectly, we do it anyway inspite of all that because we know life is for living.

We aim to grow old disgracefully, slightly ragged around the edges in a well used, well loved body with a head full of stories saying “I came, I went and I did it all”


fitness for surfers

Firstly, I am so SO happy that you’re here - THANK YOU! It fills me with pure joy that you’re reading this.

One thing that you should most definitely know about me is that I am ALL about the stories, so please indulge me whilst I share a little of mine.

8 years ago I quit my London job with not much of a plan but this surging, not to be ignored feeling, that I wanted to live life on my own terms. What that meant I didn’t know, but I wanted to give myself the freedom to find out. I set off into the unknown with my trusty backpack Red, and let happiness be my guide.

I travelled some, freelanced, stayed in hostels, on airport floors, dog sat and loved nothing more than getting a £5 National Express bus on some random Wednesday to a new place for a mini adventure. I felt alive and over time did more and tried more that felt aligned with how I wanted to live my life.

In 2018 I headed to Newquay for the first time (on the overnight National Express Bus of course!) What was supposed to be a 3 day trip turned into a months adventure. There’s a magic about the place that I felt the first time I dug my toes into the sand at Towan Bay. During my stay I took a surf lesson and later returned for a girls surf weekend. I won’t say it was love at first try, it wasn’t, but a seed had been planted and my surfing journey had begun.

“Mocean Fit was born out of a passion for movement and adventure.
After all the two go hand in hand.
Like chips and gravy or coffee and cake.”

That winter I found myself in Morzine on my first ever winter season. A casual conversation with a friend about working away for the winter, very quickly escalated into a chalet host job and a one way ticket to the mountains. I was 33 and had never snowboarded before. It was a rocky road into learning the sport but by the end of the winter the mountains, and snowboarding, had captured my heart.

And looking back now I could never have imagined for one second how much these sports would shape my life. How I would spend all my following winters (bar Covid) in the mountains, want to brave the North Coast of Scotland in November and December in search of solitude and surf, discover Skateboarding too and that being the sole reason for a stop off in Liechtenstein to check out the skate park there…. all these wonderful and humbling adventures thanks to these activities.
Movement meant adventure, adventure meant movement and both to me, I realised, meant everything!

fitness for snowboarders

That first girls surfing trip down in Newquay

surfing fitness for women
snowboard fitness for women

When I say it was a rocky road learning to Snowboard, I mean it :)

how to start skateboarding over 30

The epic skate park in Liechtenstein with the epic views to match

Movement has changed my life. It’s as simple as that. Sometimes on a small scale - picking me up when I’m feeling low, sometimes much grander, an opportunity to pivot and take my life in a different direction. (Hello getting my PT qual and wanting to build a business around movement.) It’s been my teacher, my leveler. Some of my proudest achievements are thanks to movement, alongside some of my most cherished memories. It sounds lofty but it’s true.

And here lies the thing… I do not want to stop doing these sports, enjoying these activities, having these adventures. 40 is just around the corner and in many ways I feel like life is still just starting. And that means supporting, respecting and taking care of my body isn’t negotiable, it’s essential. Nurturing my mind, pushing myself, being open to learning is a requirement, not a “nice to do.”

In saying all that, I also recognise how scary it is being a beginner as an adult, how overwhelming getting fitter can feel, how lonely it can be when you’re the only person you know who wants to go out and do these things.

I want to get more women moving, adventuring, playing and learning, trying new sports and giving stuff a go. Too many times I have heard “I’d love to do that BUT”… (enter your own likely valid but life limiting reason here) and I’d like to change that. With Mocean Fit I want to create a really cool, supportive space that not only gives you the tools to feel stronger, fitter, more mentally resilient, confident and capable whatever your age, but that also inspires you to go out and use them!

Movement is Life, actually movement is life changing. If we’re moving, we’re living. Yet so many of us don’t move. We don’t explore our bodies capabilities, or even look after her, we ask a lot and give nothing in return. We limit ourselves because of fear, lack of support, age, circumstance, because we don’t fit “the norm.”


Photographer for Surfers and Snowboarders

Surfer, Snowboarder, Camera Guy!

You may see Liam crop up on socials along the way but when it comes to Mocean Fit, you’ll generally find him behind the camera, which is just how he likes it.

Remember that first winter season I talked about - that’s when we met. He’s been an integral part of my learning journey with these sports and has witnessed the tears, tantrums, elation and everything in between. He’s been there every step of the way, as he is now with Mocean Fit.

He’s been surfing since his early twenties and started snowboarding a few years later. The story goes that he didn’t start snowboarding until he was that bit older because “I knew I’d like it, and couldn’t afford it” and he wasn’t wrong on either account! He’s also the cool one, doing the cool tricks.

Funnily enough, he’s also rediscovered a long ago passion in photography and videography and is the one creating all the content here, so together we make up the two person team that is Mocean Fit.


  • I have a Focus Awards Level 3 Diploma - Practitioner in Personal Training.

    I have completed my St John Ambulance Emergency First Aid at Work Certification.

    I have gained my Mobility Coach Certification with Flow Motion Fitness.

    I am working toward my Functional Breathing Instructor qualification with Oxygen Advantage

  • Right now you’ll find me in Poole on the South Coast.